
Flavio Sciolè - Sublime rain, sublime pain

13:08, 2010
Rain, pain, delirium in a strange video by FS. First video of the Decadent Cycle.

The Decadent Cycle by Flavio Sciolé
The three videos show a condition of decadence, decline. Sublime rain, sublime pain, aesthetic and ecstatic states, death, a nihilistic dusk impregnated with alchol, roses, cutters, in a delirium of non restitution. Only cuts were used, in order to amplify the sensation, filter (photographic and not cinematographic), anti-music, anti-direction, anti-acting.
1- SUBLIME RAIN, SUBLIME PAIN 13’08” DV Color 2010
2- DECLINE, DECADENCE AND DEATH 24’09” ” DV Color 2010
3- CREPUSCOLO NICHILISTA DI UNA DECADENZA per rose, taglierino ed alcolici
(NJHJLIST DUSK OF A DECADENCE for roses, cutter and spirits)22’24” DV Color 2010
director, actor, project, editing, sound, anti-music, roses, cutter, nihilism, photography
3 strange videos of FLAVIO SCIOLE’

Una sublime pioggia ed un sublime dolore in un video composto da stati estetici ed estatici.

Primo titolo del Ciclo Decadente :
3- CREPUSCOLO NICHILISTA DI UNA DECADENZA per rose, taglierino ed alcolici

DirectorFlavio SciolèProducerFlavio SciolèWriterFlavio SciolèCameraFlavio SciolèEditorFlavio SciolèCrewFlavio Sciolè

CountryItalyEdition2012 Screenings2010 PORTOBELLO FILM FESTIVAL, London (UK)
2010 25° Romaeuropa Festival, retrospect, curated by R. Meale and P. De Sanctis, Teatro Palladium di Rome, Italy
2011 ROOFTOP BENEFIT PARTY,The Mothership,New York, curated by Linea Rossa
2011 Visioni Acustiche, MACRO Romes Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy (curated by Gianluca Giardi)
2012 Retrospective (Decadenza in requiem ) at Ar(t)cevia International Art Festival (curated by Laura Coppa)

< overview


Who is Flavio Sciolè?
Flavio Sciolè is an actor, director, performer. Italian-Croatian Stateless Anti-artist, for years now he has contributed to anti-theatrical research (with Teatro Ateo), anti-film experimentation and extreme performances.

What is Sublime rain, sublime pain about?
First video of the Decadent Cycle. Rain and pain. The three videos show a condition of decadence, decline. Sublime rain, sublime pain, aesthetic and ecstatic states, death, a nihilistic dusk impregnated with alchol, roses, cutters, in a delirium of non restitution. Only cuts were used, in order to amplify the sensation, filter (photographic and not cinematographic), anti-music, anti-direction, anti-acting.

The Decadent Cycle by Flavio Sciolé
1- SUBLIME RAIN, SUBLIME PAIN 13’08” DV Color 2010
2- DECLINE, DECADENCE AND DEATH 24’09” ” DV Color 2010
3- CREPUSCOLO NICHILISTA DI UNA DECADENZA per rose, taglierino ed alcolici
(NJHJLIST DUSK OF A DECADENCE for roses, cutter and spirits)22’24” DV Color 2010
Director, actor, project, editing, sound, anti-music, roses, cutter, nihilism, photography: FLAVIO SCIOLE’

How did you start with film? And do you have an educational background in art or film?
Since 1990 I have created art works, performances, poems and videos. I attended the ‘Laboratorio Delle Arti Sceniche’ established by the National Academy of Dramatic Art ’Silvio D’Amico’ and the Teatro Stabile d’Abruzzo.

Could you explain how you work, what themes or concepts you use and what is important to you?
I work with video, performance, installation and photography. The main themes used are: decadence, loss, narcissism, suicide, pain, rain and decline.

How long do you usually work on one project?
From one day to ten years.

Do you carefully plan the production process or do you work more intuitive?

Where do you get your ideas or inspiration from?
Life and Art.

How important is sound in film, and if you use sounds, do you create your own or use existing?
I compose the music of my videos.

How does content relate to the form of your work?
I work in the deconstruction of form.

Did the web changed your view on art, or your career?
I am a visionary.

Where would you place your work; cinema or art. And what is the difference between those according to you?
My cinema is anticinema and experimental cinema.

How influential is the reaction to your film by the audience?

What is your next project about?
I just finished ’Narciso Gray’, this video is a meeting between the myth of Narcissus and Dorian Gray.


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