
Coalfather Industries - Ludic loop

3:35, 2014
The Device is everywhere, It has no boundaries, ready to crush our anxiety and squelch our boredom with its constant stream of disjointed solicitations. It removes us from our present reality, thrusting us into a dream world of total engagement and minimal thought or emotion. The Device is available to us 24/7. A nurse shielding us from pain. In life the levels are unclear, milestones are often unannounced. Our value and meaning to others, to the world is in question-but never our relationship to The Device. The Device returns us to a womb state of nominal variables and maximal comfort. Other humans are disappointing, but The Device never lets us down.

There is no awareness of The Device. Unless it isn’t there.

DirectorCoalfather Industries

CountryUSAEdition2014 GreenScreenings2014 - KLIKfest, Opatija, Croatia

< overview


Your film is about?
The Device is everywhere, It has no boundaries, ready to crush our anxiety and squelch our boredom with its constant stream of disjointed solicitations. It removes us from our present reality, thrusting us into a dream world of total engagement and minimal thought or emotion. The Device is available to us 24/7. A nurse shielding us from pain. In life the levels are unclear, milestones are often unannounced. Our value and meaning to others, to the world is in question-but never our relationship to The Device. The Device returns us to a womb state of nominal variables and maximal comfort. Other humans are disappointing, but The Device never lets us down.
There is no awareness of The Device. Unless it isn"t there.

How did you start with film? And do you have an educational background in art or film?
Our combined educational background lies in literature, painting and sculpture. With our interest in both the verbal and the visual, video was an obvious step in our evolution.

Could you explain how you work, what themes or concepts you use and what is important to you?
We generate a lot of work through stream of consciousness online chats. Often, we end up making lists of thoughts and ideas and then create dialogue from those lists. From the chats we move to connect visual with the verbal. This often involves culling video footage from an online storage system. We have a recurring set of themes and concepts we return to over and over, including: gluttony, patriotism, waste, fear, entertainment and anxiety.

How long do you usually work on one project?
That varies. Sometimes we produce something in less than a week. Other times it can take 2 or 3 months.

Do you carefully plan the production process or do you work more intuitive?
We begin very intuitively, but once the production process is in full swing it becomes about careful planning.

How does the title relate to the work, and how do you find a fitting title?
Ludic Loop refers to an element in game design that involves an endless cycle of task completion and rewards.

Where do you get your ideas or inspiration from?
Malls, television, workplaces, subways, parking lots, Facebook, grocery stores, gas stations, hospital waiting rooms, cemeteries, toy stores, college campuses, gravel roads, fallow fields, ancient forests, zoos, bed and breakfasts, brick factories.

How important is sound in film, and if you use sounds, do you create your own or use existing?
Sound is very important to us. We make our own music with real and synthesized instruments as well as implement field recordings from our phones.

How important is the reaction to your film by the audience?
We rarely see anyone"s reaction to what we do.

What is your next project about?
We are working on a set of new films that combine particularly neurotic treatments of The Scarlet Letter and Moby Dick in addition to working on some new performance and installation ideas.

< overview
< Artists interviews