
De Klos - Respect! de pilot

12:00, 2006
It is the pilot of our comedy series, of which we have written thirteen episodes. It is about ourselves (played by ourselves) and the sense of wonder we experience since our neighbourhood (De Pijp in Amsterdam) has become ultra hip and we don’t feel that much at ease over there.

It is also about exploring social borders.
DirectorDe Klos


< overview


Who is De Klos ?
De Klos is a duo that consists of Richard Meijer and Cees Walburgh Schmidt.
They play their own songs throughout the Netherlands and Belgium. They write plays for stage, radio and television.
Richard has published a book (Het Fort van Sjako), on which a web game has been made
At the moment a script is being written for a movie and a television series, based on the book. Also a game cd-rom is in production. The movie is expected in spring 2008.
Cees is a composer of modern music who is at the moment writing a stage monologue about a German ballerina in the 1930’s.

Why filmmaking?
We are very interested in cross media. The lack of a high quality reality comedy in the Netherlands compelled us to write a comedy series.

Respect! The pilot is about...
It is the pilot of our comedy series, of which we have written thirteen episodes. It is about ourselves (played by ourselves) and the sense of wonder we experience since our Neighbourhood (De Pijp in Amsterdam) has become ultra hip and we don’t feel that much at ease over there. It is also about exploring social borders.

What happened after ’The pilot?’
Although some Dutch broadcasting companies were interested, nothing concrete had happened till today.

Financing your movie?
We tried to get money from the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst. They liked it, but did not want to come up with the dough. The movie was shot by Wim Zagt and Rob van the Slootbrugge was the sound artist. All the actors played themselves and did it for free. The pilot was written, produced, performed and catered by De Klos. The direction was by De Klos and Wim Zagt.

New Media; a challenge for film makers?
Certainly: Richards project ’Het Fort van Sjako’ is already a success, because of the cross medial approach. That is why a well-known production company and a publishing company had picked up the project.
Cees does not have a computer and he does not know what New Media means.

Do your films have style, just as some painters have?
We like nonlinear storytelling and Wim Zagt likes to shoot from the hip

Larry Davids ’Curb Your Enthusiasm’, about his day to day life in LA was our inspiration for Respect! Because of its sheer brilliance.

Individual film making or co-operation?
We like to work with a team that cross inspires. Our main part is the writing, directing and editing of the movie.
We hope to realize the comedy series Respect! And to play ourselves in it. We are convinced it will happen.

Did you ever had another ambition in life than to become a filmmaker?
Richard: Still do, I think filmmaking is one method of storytelling, I want to explore all mediums of storytelling.
Cees: Actor, composer, writer, Homo Universalis on stage.

Digital or classic?
We like mini DV the best for our way of nonlinear storytelling.

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