
Arno Tessers - Consequenties

5:00, 2006
The movie is about everything being linked together, about different elements being responsible for the course of your day. The consequences that your actions have on other people and vice versa. It is something that plays in my head a lot, the "what if" question. So it is sort of linked to my own life in the way that I get to show in the movie how things are linked and get to play with the "what if", but of course in life there are no answers, cause you will never know what would have happened if you would have stepped out of bed with the other foot first. Just stop me if I’m getting to philosophical.
DirectorArno Tessers


< overview


Who is Arno Tessers?
Arno Tessers is 30 years young and has no background in film as far as education or career is concerned. As a film lover he decided a few years ago with a couple of friends to start a production company and to go make a movie. With a lot of self study on the subject of film making and from living in Hollywood for 6 months before production started Arno set off to create the movie "Consequenties"

Why filmmaking?
The love for film and the feeling of wanting to create something that other people might enjoy.

Consequenties is about...
The movie is about everything being linked together, about different elements being responsible for the course of your day. The consequences that your actions have on other people and vice versa. It is something that plays in my head a lot, the "what if" question. So it is sort of linked to my own life in the way that I get to show in the movie how things are linked and get to play with the "what if", but of course in life there are no answers, cause you will never know what would have
Happened if you would have stepped out of bed with the other foot first. Just stop me if I’m getting to philosophical :-)

Financing your movie?
I looked into getting subsidy, but don’t think we qualified for it. So most of the money for making the movie had to come out of my own pocket. We held auditions for the actors and rounded up a lot of friends to work behind the scenes. Everybody worked for free, so that kept the cost down a lot.

New Media; a challenge for film makers?
New Media is wonderful, from research on the internet and getting people involved through posts on the internet to being able to send people your trailer half way across the world through your mobile phone. It’s all good developments for the "new" film maker. Internet makes the world smaller and
Makes things available that you couldn’t get access to before.

Do your films have style, just as some painters have?
I don’t think I have a certain style, but let’s get some more movies on my reel and then we’ll see if there is a style to it.

Individual film making or co-operation?
I enjoy every process of film making, it’s always good to have a good team to work with, but doing things all by myself works for me too. One of the lines in the movie is "if you want it to be done right, you have to do it yourself" And that is sometimes true. Of course some things you can’t do by

Plans and dreams...
I have a lot of plans and dreams, of course I want to make more movies, I have an idea for a tv series that I would love to see made. I have some scripts that I’m working on. So many plans, so little time.

Did you ever had another ambition in life than to become a filmmaker?
Not really, I always wanted to do something in film, the opportunity just never presented it self. So I decided to create my own opportunity and just make a movie myself.

Digital or classic?
I like mini DV, but given a good budget I would love to try HD.

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