
Josien Vogelaar - O

4:26, 2009
Hand drawn animation film based on the novel of Pauline Réage "Histoire d"O" (Story of O). The film was made during an exhibition at the Art Center in Amsterdam Zuidoost (Centrum Beeldende Kunst Zuidoost).
The film is inspired on the books last chapter; a naked woman is walking into a ball room and it turns out that she is wearing a mask of an owl.
DirectorJosien VogelaarProducerJosien VogelaarWriterJosien VogelaarCameraJosien VogelaarEditorJosien Vogelaar

CountryNetherlandsEdition2009 ScreeningsC&H Art Space, Amsterdam, 2010

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Who is Josien Vogelaar?
I am a visual artist who uses animation as a way to express my ideas.

Your film is about?
My film is about ’the Story of O’ a literary pornographic novel written by a female author in the 1950’s. The story intrigued me, not so much the very explicit sex scenes, but the evoctation of bourgeois decadence and luxury. In the last chapter the story turns completely surreel; the main character, a young woman, appears naked, but with a mask of an owl, in a ball room.

How did you start with film? And do you have an educational background in art or film?
I have an eductational background in art, in film I am an absolute beginner. I started this in an exhibiton; it was a charcoal drawing on the wall. Twice a week I made changes in the drawings and captured them with stopmotion technique.

Could you explain how you work, what themes or concepts and what is important to you?
The human body, eroticism, gender issues, (mythological) stories

Where do you get your ideas or influences from?
From reading litterature and filosofy, watching films and art.

How does the title relate to the work, and how do you find a fitting title?
The titel is the initial of the woman’s name: O.

How important is sound in film, and if you use sounds, do you create your own or use existing?
I use a lot classical music. I want to learn more about sound. I think it is very important.

How do you finance your projects (by yourself, sponsors or subsidy)?
For this project I got some money from the exhibition space.

Nowadays everyone with the right equipment can create videoart, good, bad or ugly?
The more the merrier!

What possibilities of the web are yet to be explored? Which dangers do you see ahead?
I have no idea.

In what category would you place your work; cinema or art. And is there a difference between those?
Art. I was trained as an artist and not as a film maker, I don’t know that world very well.

How important is the reaction to your film by the audience?
It is important, but at the same time I keep on making what I like and I don’t care so much about what kind of audience it should see.

What is your next project about?
An animation for an art show in 2010. The inspiration will be the return of Ulysses.


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