
Jan Mensen - Media0ffline

1:50, 2011, Video Art
The error message "media offline" appears on the screen, while working with the film montage-program Adobe Premiere, because that program can’t find the connection to your source material anymore.

I compressed and decompressed this message, which also functions as a kind of placeholder, over and over again, using different compression modes, until its getting more and more blurry, fuzzy and even movement and sound all out of the blue.

It becomes the digital version of that media art classic "the copy of a copy of a copy", where something gets a story, while there never was a story, an implied death by forced decay of data.

DirectorJan MensenProducerJan MensenWriterJan MensenCameraJan MensenEditorJan Mensen

CountryGermanyEdition2011 ScreeningsGli.tc/h/-Festival - Nov 11-13 2011 Amsterdam
Gli.tc/h/-Festival - Nov 4-6 2011 Chicago

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