
Orsolya Bajusz - Bela der dekorator

9:56, 2011, Experimental
Adventures of a house decorator, a story of power dynamics, political agendas and an ongoing identity crisis. An attempt to appropriate together a pixellated mixed media inventory of the aesthetics of my own childhood and adulthood, and reflect through this process on the nature and boundaries of fiction and counter-fiction, all set int the context of a major paradigm shift in society and culture.
DirectorOrsolya BajuszWriterBajusz/nagy V.gergoCameraGergely PapaiCrewNicole Weniger Beata Kiss

CountryAustriaSubtitlesEnglishEdition2012 ScreeningsInnsbruck, in and out laznia, busho budapest, BUTFF netherlands, Anonimul romania, cologne off

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